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 Some remarks about immigration law for gay marriage - SG VISA

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Some remarks about immigration law for gay marriage

In the previous post of SG VISA we shared with Mr. Nguyen Quy Dung and his readers (by asking, “I am a gay man!) I am 27 years old and my lover is 43 years old. The United States is settling in the US and is seeking to take me to the US to live and get married. So let me ask what paperwork we can do to get me to live in the US? “) The most recent of the United States family law laws and the effects of this change, especially the right to guarantee same-sex marriage of citizens and permanent residents of the United States. At present, the marriage laws of Vietnam and ASEAN countries do not allow same-sex marriages so marriage in Vietnam and ASEAN countries is not possible. So the first step a gay couple wants to sponsor for a reunited life in the United States is to find a city in the United States where local authorities allow and recognize gay marriage. get marriage. To do this, homosexual Vietnamese citizens must obtain a non-immigrant entry visa.

In this article SG VISA we would like to share with you Dung and readers about the ways many applicants from Vietnam as well as from countries with many young people, unmarried, work is not stable, Their incomes are not abundant, their assets are limited and their ties to their home country are uncertain, they can still be pursued to increase the chances of getting a visa to enter the United States. Normally, a US visa applicant will need four main factors:

1) Information about individuals and family;

2) Knowledge of the purpose of the trip;

3) Proof of finance;

4) Psychological stability for the interview

1. Information about your individual and family circumstances will probably be the easiest to understand. However, the applicant should not be prepared because there are many reasons that the applicant was refused visa because he did not know the information of himself and his family. For example, a 25-year-old male applicant filed a US tourist visa application but was refused three times by the US Consulate General (LSQ) over a two-year period. After a more thorough investigation of the family, the applicant learned that in the late 1980s a grandfather had opened a petition for the mother and his or her family to sponsor each other, and by the middle of the decade 90, the older brother died and their case was closed by the US Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS). Because the applicant’s family has intended to settle, this factor has reduced the chances of obtaining a nonimmigrant visa of the applicant.

2. Knowledge of the purpose of the trip will be around time, place, people, and reason. Applicants need to know the details of the expected US immigration and departure dates, and the specific times of places where applicants will arrive after entry. At the same time during the process in the US the applicant will meet who and what is the relationship between the applicant and these people. Finally, there is a reason for the applicant to be in the United States. One of the reasons many Vietnamese are denied non-immigrant visas is that they do not understand these factors. A typical example is a 65-year-old doctor who wants to see a newborn daughter who has been denied a visa five times in three months without understanding the reason. After SG VISA clarified, the reason LSQ rejected her file was that when LSQ asked her to stay in the US, she replied, “How long will I stay in the US? long time “. LSQ refused to grant her a visa because they knew that if she was granted a visa, she would stay to look after her daughter and grandchild until her older grandchildren could go to kindergarten, Her visa is not for travel and her time in the US is very long.

3. Financial evidence will include, but is not limited to, good and stable work generating high monthly income, property ownership, and financial use to prove that the applicant will not become a burden. weight of society during his stay in the United States. It is not easy for a majority of Vietnamese citizens to have a stable job creating high income in their 27s, but many of them have family and friends who own long-term companies. And big block of assets is not too rare. SG VISA we know many applicants aged 25 to 30 have obtained a nonimmigrant visa because they have asked their relatives to confirm that they have a managerial position. Their relatives also transfer assets, such as home and land and cars, to their namesake, and they also make contracts to rent these properties to generate more income for the applicant. And usually, applicants open large amounts of bank accounts in a short period of time to prove to LSQ that the applicant is financially capable.The most important proof of financial means is the ability of the applicant and his / her family to spend money, and LSQs generally accept applicants who have traveled to many developed countries and returned to Vietnam. complete these trips.

4. Prepare the interview for practice interviews through multiple interviews, and the applicant should have fluent answers. The questions asked by the LSQ in the interview will not be much different, but the response will be the basis for the LSQ to ask the next question. If the applicant wants the LSQ to ask questions at his or her own discretion, prepare the answers with these four elements: time, place, person, and reason. To help applicants have more confidence in their chances of obtaining a visa, in addition to the necessary preparation above, they should think that if they go to the United States is good, without a visa, their life is no worse than before. a lot of.

SG VISA we hope that the knowledge and experience will partly help you Nguyen Quy Dung readers understand more about how to increase the chances of obtaining a nonimmigrant visa entry to the United States. In the next post, we will share information, knowledge and practical experience on how to prepare an effective immigrant visa petition and how to persuade USCIS to file a biennial green card . If you or your readers have other questions or questions, please contact SG VISA for more specific advice. Wish you and your readers interested in earning a visa to enter the United States and get a family life with your loved ones.