Visa bảo lãnh định cư dành cho các thành viên trực hệ IR1/CR1: Vợ/chồng của công dân Hoa Kỳ. Đương đơn phải là người vợ hoặc chồng đã kết hôn hợp pháp với công dân Hoa Kỳ. Theo đó, hồ sơ bảo lãnh định cư IR1/CR1 sẽ được mở xét duyệt sau khi có giấy […]
Schedule for approval of settlement documents
Lịch xét duyệt hồ sơ các diện định cư Mỹ theo các diện bảo lãnh gia đình Lịch xét duyệt hồ sơ visa bulletin là bảng biểu từ Trung tâm Thị Thực Quốc Gia Hoa Kỳ (NVC) công bố nhằm giúp các đương đơn nắm được tình hình xét duyệt hồ sơ visa Mỹ ở tất cả […]
Question And Answer
Studying and getting married in America is easy?
I plan to study abroad then there. I plan to get married, I’m worried about the future so I ask: – How good is your college? – For example, when you get married, how long do you receive your green card? – If the card is limited to 4 years and the third year married, […]
Wife insurance party members star hard?
My name is Lam and I was born in 1969. I was married to a US immigrant visa in December 2013. I was interviewed at the Consulate in August 2014 but still not granted a visa. The Consular Officer only told me to edit some of the information on the DS-160 and that information was […]
Why do my family keep failing visa?
I am 21 years old. In 2007, when I was in grade 10, my family went to Vietnam for study abroad and the application was prepared by my uncle. When interviewed, they said that their uncle lives in the US and their Vietnamese family, and the Consulate (LSQ) asked his brother what kind of school […]
How to guarantee her husband through America not enooough finance?
Dear Huy Ton and SG VISA Team! I would like to present the following: My girlfriend went to study abroad with a financial aid Auntie and went to October 2007, but then made a marriage certificate to stay in the US, and have green card from In 2009, now has a green card for 10 […]
Unilaterlly cancel the guarantee easy profile?
My name is My Thuan, a frequent reader of the Young newspaper, is known to have a question and answer in the United States of America by Huy Ton responsibility, now I have problems with the guarantee of the couple, brother Huy Ton Answered. In 2002, I made a bail for my spouse, while my […]
Married to American visa ratio is higher than
“… My family is also planning to marry an American to a higher success rate. Do not know now how to make your profile better and the success rate higher, expect SG VISA Team to help you.” Reply: Welcome to, Thank you for sharing your family’s difficulties in pursuing your dream of getting a […]
Hello SG VISA, My name is Lan Anh, living in Saigon. I have some questions asking for help from SG VISA. My fiancée opens the petition for me to marry her. We have loved each other since childhood but the devastating war has left us lost for more than 30 years. I thought this life […]
I am the boy and my lover is also the boy. That’s why Huy Anh Tôn grasp the thing that I’m going to present: We love each other for more than 10 years but can not live together because the law has not recognized this, moreover it is difficult to accept in Vietnam. I would […]
Welcome SG VISA, First of all, I wish SG VISA a lot of health and success. I hope SG VISA advises me on the problem I am having without knowing how to solve it: I myself and my family had a lot of difficulties, during which time I met a girlfriend who promised to sponsor […]
Hi Ton Huy, I am a lesbian, 35 years old. Due to the pressure from my family and fear of social discrimination, at age 27 I agreed to marry a man I did not love. We have a boy together. Since the wedding, I always fulfill the duty of the wife, the good mother should […]
The key to success in the U.S travel visa
I want to go to America to see the football game that took place in August 2014 in East Charlotte. Do I have to apply for a visa? What do I need to get a visa? If there is a sponsor in the US to see it? Please help yourself. – Duong Thuy Duong Reply: […]
My sister is 30-year-old have been married and have been living in America for nearly 10 years. He is 20 years old and has one child “registered marriage”. Do you want to sponsor me to the United States? And what documents? Looking for a question to help you soon. Thank you! – Huynh Thi Thu […]